Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Introduction Part 2

Yes, yes, I know Kat said we would get on to the interesting stuff now, but bear with us for one more post. I just wanted to agree with Kat: I have no idea what this blog will be about. I never know what random thoughts will occur to me, but they'll probably all end up here. I'm imagining Snowden's Secrets (The title's a reference from Catch 22, a book I highly recommend.) will be something along the line of Blast Shields Down. If you haven't read that yet, leave this blog immediately, go to www.blastshieldsdown.blogspot.com and absorb some greatness. (The two guys who created BSD are both amazing writers and their material and ideas are, at the moment, a lot more developed than ours!) Come back here when you're done and hopefully you'll enjoy our ramblings just as much. Welcome and thanks for reading!

~ Stephanie

1 comment:

Matt said...

Thanks for the shout out. And you're not supposed to tell people what your title is about, you're supposed to not mention it ever, like BSD. =D I can't wait until you two get writing some actual posts.