Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Shameless Filler Post

Wow, so I have been extremely neglectful of Secrets lately.I am very, very sorry. My only real excuse is the turmoil that is moving three times in one semester, and living with three different families in four months. This isn't a real post at all, actually. This is just me saying that I'm probably not going to be able to post again until I finally come home, in early December. I'm sorry.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes, We Did!

This is probably not going to be the most coherent or eloquent bit of writing that I've ever posted, and I'm sorry about that. If this post goes all over the place, it's because I'm bouncing off the walls in delirious happiness.I'm far too excited and tired to be capable of writing anything that people will actually want to read. Instead, I'm posting for entirely selfish reasons. I'm writing this so that years from now I can remember how I felt tonight. For the first time since the year 2000, I feel like I can actually believe in democracy again. It's such a wonderful feeling, and it scarcely feels real to me. I keep having to tell myself that Barack Obama is the President Elect of the United States. "Yes, we can" became "Yes, we did." This is what winning feels like; I like winning. I've been told that people are cheering in the streets, although not apparently in Arizona. I've been holding back a scream for the past two hours, so as not to alienate my new host family. But I would just like to say once again, that I am absolutely ecstatic and so proud of my country. Thank you America, for restoring hope to a jaded, cynical college student. Thank you, God bless you all, and good night.